Viper Country

Here you will be able to view the four seasons in and around the Weaverville area of Trinity County, California. Plus some of various shots of anything and everything, as I'm a camera 'nut', eh!! ;-))

My Photo
Location: Weaverville, California, United States

Since my 'forced' retirement on June 23rd, 2005, I'm trying to build an 'at home' business via the Internet and learning more about using my digital camera, eh!! The picture is of ME & Kathy, my wife who's one bad ass Quilter!! We will be adding some of her handiwork too. I'd love to hear from computer & graphics people so I can learn more and we'd both love to hear from Quilters too!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fall Colors, Mts, Canyon Creek, Grasshopper Flats, Heavens Hill, Deer

Hi Everyone, ... see all shots here ...

I put 'DCPlayers' first, so you could read about one of our local bands that's up and coming, eh!! Brian Madden, one of the members, I've know for maybe 20 years now, because he worked at Tops Store for years, then for Sysco Products in Redding with our son-in-law Tom Edwards for a few year and now he's back with us at Tops again. The the 'Bird' shot I tried explaining with that picture!! Lucy funny!! ;-)) The first group of 'FallColors' were taken while Kathy was waiting for her doctor appointment and there were no extra seating, so I grabbed my camera and just started walking down the streets looking for some good shots. And I think I got a lot, eh!! ;-)) Especially, a couple with the sun shining too.

The 'Lexus' shots were at the hospital next door to the building where Kathy was and I like this body style, so I just had to take a few shots, right!! Probably the closest to owning or driving one I'll ever get?? ;-0 The '3in1' shot I focused the shot to include the pretty brown leaf too, but did NOT even see the tiny spiked flower behind it, till I was editing all my shots. Nice that it get into the shot too, eh!! ;-)) Then even more 'FallColors' shots. Now, I took a lot of 'Moon' shots but only included these 6 because they looked the best to me. The 'Ricky'sGrowth' shot was totally by accident, as Ricky was walking around and I was focusing in on him and when he stopped, I just shot the picture. Again, I didn't even see the grass 'growing' out of his back, till I got ready to take a 2nd shot.

The 'GrasshopperFlats' and 'CanyonCreek' shots were taken because Dad purchased this property with his brother Leonard and his brother-in-law Lee McNeil, way back in 1955. They used this area as a 'vacation' area for hunting, fishing, bringing the family, etc. for years, then dad's place burnt to the ground one day in about 12 minutes flat. So he rebuilt a better home on that spot. Over the years my uncle Leonard and his wife Viola, fixed up and remodeled the original old home that was part of the property and moved up here to live. Then other family members moved up over the years too. Since Leonard was Pastor of our local church down south in Paramount, CA, he built a new church up here with the help of the family and church members and then called Grasshopper Flats, 'Heavens Hill' from then on. Anyway, I hadn't been back up to this area in about 25 years and was out on my bike clearing out my head, so away I went!! I got back home a couple hours later and felt so much better. Only another biker will probably know what I'm talking about, but it really does help clean out those cobwebs, eh!! ;-))

The 'Deer' shots were taken from my front door and deck, but I spooked them and couldn't get shots of all the deer. I kept telling them that I was a good guy and only wanted to 'shoot' them with my camera, but I guess that they didn't really believe me, eh!! But I guess one Doe was hanging around to guard her 2 fawns and boy did she keep an eye on me!! Then we had some really nasty high winds that made not only a big mess, but had us wondering about if any of our tall Pines were going to come down on us!! Thankfully, none did!! Then on our way home we stopped off at our local quilt shop so Kathy could pick up the October 'Block of the Month' and they rotate the quilts hanging in the shop every month, so I took more shots of these 'new' quilts, eh!!

Lastly, I've added some news photos of the fires down in my old stomping grounds, all around the Greater Los Angeles area too. All the fires started on the 13th or 14th and the law thinks most were arson!! I just heard on the news today, the 28th, that all fires are now contained and under control, but still being watched for hot spots!! And I hope that you enjoy ALL of these shots today!! ;-))

Later, 'Viper'

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fall Colors, 3rd Snowfall, Cats, Old Cars

Hi Everyone, .... see all my shots here ....

For all you cats lovers the first 3 shots are of Ricky looking for Lucy who's inside the back tube!! ;-)) And Saturday our week's rain finally stopped, the sun came out and we had a beautiful day, even tho the temp stayed in the low 40's all day. I usually don't go to bed till around 2 am most mornings, some times later too. But since the temp had dropped down to the low 30's even earlier I had a faucet dripping. I had been checking our water often and it had stopped running about 2 am!!! So of course I ran both the hot and cold water a couple minutes and it opened right up. Then I got up about 4 am and checked it again and it was still running!!

And all that rain and cold temps gave us our 3rd Snowfall of the season too. Kind of early and old man weather doesn't know that I'm guessing, eh!! ;-)) It wasn't really heavy but Kathy says that in all the 25 years she's lived up here, the 3rd snowfall is when the snow starts sticking and the levels start heading down our way. So we're waiting to see what happens over the next week, eh!! ;-)) And of course with all our Fall Colors coming out all around our area now, I have a lot of shots of color too.

Now for all of us 'Hot Rodders', our local car club, the 'Weaver City Street Rodders' had some kind of small gathering in the local Elementary School parking lot and when I saw them I had to stop the car and get some shots, right. It's one of my American Rights!! Just as I was pulling away, a 1964 Chevy El Camino came down the road and joined the group. It was a dirty while with a lot of gray primer all over the body, but boy ... magnificent WHEELS!! ;-)) Hope you all enjoy all of my shots, eh!!

Later, 'Viper'

Friday, October 19, 2007

Lucy & Ricky, Fresh Snow, Trinity Alps, Rainy Days, Rainbow, Fall Colors

Hi Folks, .... see all of my shots here ....

I'm adding 2 new people to this list tonight, Earline Killian and her sister Lynn Kinsman and if either one or both of you would like to stay on my EBuddy List, sent reply to this email and let me know that you do, ok!! That way I will not get blamed for 'spamming' you, ok!!

Normally, I only go into town on Wednesdays for my mail run/misc and then again on Saturdays for our weekly shopping. But this week Kathy had reasons for me to in on Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday so far!! I know, blame it on the wife, eh!! ;-)) But I had to pick up dinners on both Monday & Tuesday at our local Senior Center , where I worked for over 23+ years. So of course I had my camera with me to take shots of all the beautiful Fall Colors all around and since it's been raining a lot we've been getting fresh snow up higher on the Trinity Alps too. I've got shots of the 1st & 2nd snowfalls and last night the temps dropped under 40ยบ, so I'm anxious to check out the mountains on Friday, as we couldn't see them all day today, Thursday!! Hope you all enjoy these new shots, eh!!

Later, 'Viper'

Monday, October 15, 2007

Fall Colors, Deer, Birds, 1st Snow, Flowers, Collectables & Rock Water Fountain of Tina West

Hi Everyone, .... see all my pics here ....
I tried to label both the file names and my slide show pictures with info that I thought might help you with the shots AND to save me giving a long intro here. So just go and enjoy all of my pictures, eh!! ;-)) Since I had already made the normal slide show on the 12th and then took pictures of our FIRST Snowfall on the 13th, I just made a 2nd short slide show and added it and the new pictures to this set, ok!!
Later, 'Viper'

Monday, October 08, 2007

Weaverville Annual Quilt Show 2007, Quilts, Autumn/Fall Colors, Bikes/Bikers, Butterflies, Sunset & Sunrise too!!

I've been one busy dude over this weekend!! Saturday the 6th we walked Main Street of Weaverville, looking and taking shots of all the beautiful quilts hanging in front of the stores and also at the Highland Art Center area. Then after we got home at about 4:30 pm Saturday, ate dinner and relaxed a bit, I've been working on/off with all my shots to edit them mostly in size to upload to my web site and Blog. Well, I finished about 5:30 pm today, Sunday, eh!! ;-)) I ended up with 146 shots in the Quilt Show folder, but some of those included the decorations at the Bandstand, some Fall Decorations and items at a couple stores. It also includes all the shots of the concession stands too, but most of them had quilts hanging around there too. I tried to include a lot of wide angle shots showing off our old buildings since Weaverville is an 'Historic' town, eh!! Besides, I think it makes the shots more interesting too. So for those of you that just wanted to see quilts and nothing else ... just get over it, eh!! ;-)) Of note to is that my dear wife Kathy had 3 of her quilts entered too and I labeled them so you would know which ones, eh!! Ok, for all of you that want to just see the Quilt Show Pictures, then CLICK HERE !!

For those of you that just want to see all the 'other' pictures you can CLICK HERE !! I have some beautiful Sunset and Sunrise shots and believe it or not most all have NOT been edited, eh!! ;-)) I just happened to go outside to pull down our Flag and caught the 'Sunset' at the right couple of minutes and our cat Ricky wanted outside at just the right time for me to get the 'Sunrise' shots!! I took 3 video shots of the 'Sunrise' too, but I was in a very awkward position holding my camera up to our family room window, while leaning sideways over the arm of our Futon. So they all 3 were a bit shaky and all looked about the same in content, so I only uploaded the 3rd one as it showed a bit more color, eh!! Now if I'd had some clothes on and went outside with my tripod and zoomed in some, I'm sure the video would have come out so much better, right!! Some of the 'Fall Color' shots and all the 'Bike' shots were taken while I was taking all the 'Quilt' shots, eh!! Just hope you get some enjoyment out of viewing my pictures, don't you know!! ;-))

Later, 'Viper'

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Madrone Trees, Ricky Cat, Quarter Moon, Clouds, Panorama Shots, Red Car, Video - Stellar Jay

Hi Everyone, .... see all of my shots here ....

We've been getting more and more changes in our weather the past few days, getting colder and more winds. So I've been taking a lot of 'Fall Color' shots and since Ricky our cat like to follow me around our property while I'm setting up my various shots and run his body against my tripod, I'm always taking shots of him too!! I think he's wanting that extra attention, eh!! ;-)) I've included a short video that I shot thru out window blinds from our living room, of one of our local Stellar Jay, but you may not want to download it unless you have the time or use a 'hi-speed' connection. I also added 3 pictures of the Quilts that Kathy is entering in our local Annual Quilt Show this Saturday. I hope you all enjoy all these pictures as usual.

Later, 'Viper'

Monday, October 01, 2007

Full Moon, Ford Deluxe, Red Camaro, Doe & Bucks, Bad Ass Trike, Dragon, Eagles, Computer Tech

Hi Everyone, .... see all my pictures here ....

Guess what ... we got some actual RAIN TODAY!!! ;-)) Finally!! Now if it will stay for a couple days, eh!! Ok, for more excitement, I have some 'Full Moon' shots that came out pretty good with a little editing, some shot of a nice clear Ford Deluxe (40's??), a pretty Red 327 Camaro too and a really nice Chevy Hi-Boy!! A lot of Fall Color shots and a couple of Ricky 'treed' again!! Then a had a Doe and her 2 young 'spiked horn' Bucks with her. I got outside the front door without them bolting, and as a matter of fact I think they were about as interested in my taking shots of them as I was enjoying their visit, eh!! Sorry for showing off so many of their shots, but I didn't add all of their shots to my Blog. I named all the shots 'Buck_SpikedHorns', even tho there were 2 bucks and a Doe, so I could keep all the shots looking as the same 'theme', ok!! ;-))) Then I added 4-5 miscellaneous shots that just happen to be in the same folder, especially the 'BadAssTrike', eh!! The single Eagle picture I pulled off of the Westwood, CA, Chamber of Commerece web site, while I was there checking their elevation, as they had 3" of early snow on Saturday the 29th. And this was of interest to us, as Kathy was born and grew up in Westwood. She said that most winters they had 6'-8' as normal and a lot of times they had to exit the house thru a 2nd floor window to get out/in the house, eh!! BTW, she also said she loves Weaverville since we get a whole lot less snow up here at our 2800' elevation!! ;-))) Hope you enjoy them all.

Later, 'Viper'