Viper Country

Here you will be able to view the four seasons in and around the Weaverville area of Trinity County, California. Plus some of various shots of anything and everything, as I'm a camera 'nut', eh!! ;-))

My Photo
Location: Weaverville, California, United States

Since my 'forced' retirement on June 23rd, 2005, I'm trying to build an 'at home' business via the Internet and learning more about using my digital camera, eh!! The picture is of ME & Kathy, my wife who's one bad ass Quilter!! We will be adding some of her handiwork too. I'd love to hear from computer & graphics people so I can learn more and we'd both love to hear from Quilters too!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Kathys Buffalo Nickel Earrings, Birds, Clouds, Sunsets, Suzuki Bike, Lucy & Ricky

Hi Everyone, .... check out all the pics here ....

I was going to add just a few more pictures to my Blog Update of the 19th, but then I took more pictures and then when we went shopping on Saturday the 21st shot even more, so I just decided to make a brand new entry. Norman Heryford, when you look at the 'bird' shots will you please tell me what kind of birds these are?? I think they are Finches, but you know me and birds that aren't either Ravens or Buzzards, right!! ;-)) Also, my sister Jo was wondering why I took MORE shots of Ricky, than I did of Lucy and I think I've figured it out. Lucy just lays around the house all day and night and Ricky is outside a lot, running all about, posing at any given time, chasing our deer and birds. So I see a lot of shots and take them. About all Lucy does is sleep between my legs when I'm eating or watching tv and I have taken a couple shots where she stretches really big and then turns over to go back to sleep or to move over the the top/back of our sofa, eh!! ;-))

But as you will see I took a lot of very pretty Sunset shots and the winds up high were just a pushing the clouds into so many shapes and colors that I set up my tripod and just stood there taking shots for about 30 minutes, eh!! It looked like God was painting and I was getting watch it all happening. But then it started getting to dark and all the colors were fading away so I stopped. I just hope you all can enjoy my shots as much as I enjoyed seeing the real thing happening before my eyes, eh!!

Since our closest mountains, the Trinity Alps were mostly void of any clouds, I zoomed in about 70% on the far away mountains out by Trinity Center to get that one nice shot of clouds. Then Kathy wore a second pair of the earrings I got her for our 25th 'Silver' Anniversary, with the help of Barb & Stacy Maness, so I just had to take a couple shots of her 'Buffalo Nickel' Earrings, right!!! And then I couldn't drive by that nice looking bike when we were pulling into the Longs parking lot, eh!! ;-)) So once again I hope you enjoy all of the variety of pictures!!

Later, 'Viper'

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Kasey & Jaiden Maness, Sunsets, Clouds, My Honda, Nice Buck, Lucy & Ricky, and Trinity Journal News

Hi Everyone, .... see all my shots here!! ....

My friend Barb in TX sent me some great Sunset shots from their last little bike run to Port Aransas, TX, where they did a little fishing too. And she also sent me 4 more shots of my 'adopted' grand kids of hers too. So I hope you enjoy her pictures too, eh!!

Wednesday the 18th I rode my bike up to Oregon Summit to take some shots because we had some of the greatest clouds!! I've only included the 'pano' shots this today but I'll add the single shots as I can get around to it and let you know, ok. This time it seemed like my bike was in the way a lot, so instead of moving it for a shot, I just left it in. Hope you don't mind, eh!! ;-)) Then on my way home as I was rounding the sharp V turn at the bottom of our houses, I came close to hitting a nice Buck that was starting to cross the roadway coming out behind a big tree. So I slowed down quickly and pulled over to the side of the road and stopped, as I had my camera hanging around my neck. I got off very slowly to not spook him, and just turn my camera on, pointed and shoot, because I figured that he'd be running, right. NOT!! He just stood there looking at me so I got off another 2-3 focused shoots AND a video too. After looking at these shots on my computer, I swear that he posed for me too!! Check it out!!

The shots of my bike and me in the Red 'Texas State Rally' T-Shirt, were taken with a timer and the shirt was sent to me by Barb and Stacy Maness, of the Temple, TX 'Horny Toad HD' HOG Chapter they are members of. I mostly wanted everyone to see these shots too, instead of just Barb & Stacy, eh!! The shots of Lucy and Ricky were because just a few seconds before I got my camera, they were taunting each other thru our living room windows. But of course as soon as I turned on my camera, they started ignoring each other or maybe it was me they were ignoring, eh!! ;-)) So I took one picture without the flash and one with the flash, because I knew that I could not get a good shot of both either way. Then after I tried to edit them to show both cats and that didn't work, I copied and pasted a lighter version from each picture over the darker one from each picture. So just ignore my off color and enjoy the shots of both cats, ok!!

Then of course I just had to share some beautiful Sunset shots I got thru out Pine trees, eh!! Hope you enjoy them too. The last 4 items I scanned out of The Trinity Journal from Wednesday because I thought they might be of interest to some of you. Again, I'm adding ALL my shots into the same Blog, instead of sending various people just a couple here and another couple there, eh!! And aren't those Triplets just so adorable!! We've had a Doe with 'twins' come around a lot over the 31 years I've lived up here, but I've never seen triplets yet. One day, eh!!

Later, 'Viper'

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Beautiful Clouds & A GREAT Looking Harley too!!

Hi Everyone, .... see all the pictures here ....

I went to town today to take in my trash to the dump and my recyclables to get some gas money for my truck!! The dump fees were only $5.38 this time and I got $24.99 for my coke cans, plastic & glass bottles. Most people would just throw everything away, but NOT ME!! Of course I can't fill my gas tank anymore as I used to do a few years back!! But it's $25 bucks in my pocket ... literally!! Because the guy just handed me a $20 and a $5!! ;-))) So I even made a penny on the deal too!!

For all of us bikers, be sure to check out the engravings on the Harley!! I tried to give you a good overall view of both the front tubes and the front rim. I was so engrossed in getting good shots of the engravings to give you, I completely forgot to check the rear rim!! I'll just blame it on a friend of mine coming over to see what I was doing, eh!! Misdirection?? ;-))

Later, 'Viper'

Monday, July 16, 2007

Kathy's Earrings, Bikes, Clouds, Sunsets, Quilts & A People/Dog Fountain too!!

Hi Everyone, .... see all the shots here, eh!! ....

Last Saturday we had some really nice shaped clouds in the morning and then a great sunset that night. Also, Kathy wore one of her new pairs of earrings too, so of course I just had to get a couple shot of the earrings that I liked the best, eh!! '-)) Then we stopped off at Textile Traditions in the Historic Downtown area of Weaverville and when walking from the parking lot to the shop, I saw a few bikes so took some shots. We found out there was some biker doings over in Hayfork, CA this weekend, so that told us why we had been seeing so many bikers driving thru town, parking at various 'watering holes' and getting fuel, eh!! But they were all over town the approximate 5 hours we were in town!! It's to bad that I couldn't have gotten 2-3 of each bike, because there were some really NICE bikes!! But 99% of them were moving to fast for me to pick up my camera off the front seat and snap a shot, eh!!

Then the couple of shots of that Fountain, that was so pretty that it caught Kathy's eye when I parked to grab a couple long zoom shots to get that bright orange bike and kept yelling 'get a shot of the fountain!!' and I didn't even see it because I was looking for a water fountain that was bubbling or like a waterfall, eh!! ;-)) Then when we were in the Quilt Shop, I took some pictures of a couple quilts, one which we hope to win!! Then today I scanned the 'fat quarters' that we bought at the shop. The dark red material I picked out and when Kathy say it said she just had to have a FQ of that too!!! ;-)) Hope you enjoy all the various shots today!!

Later, 'Viper'

Friday, July 13, 2007

Misc Shots of Interest

Hi Everyone, .... see all my pictures here ....

While we were at the Hospital in Redding for Kathy's 'Breathing Test', there were all of these great pictures by kids from all over the World in honor of a kid that had been fighting a terrible disease and finally lost the battle. I show the complete Title and Wordings underneath but I couldn't read the words. So I enlarged just the plaque with the words and tried to find a compromise between readable and size, in the 2nd picture 'LARGE TEXT'. Hope you all loves these pictures as much as I did. The biker shots were taken just as the 2 guys were done resting a bit and getting ready to head on to Redding. So they waited a few minutes as I walked around their nice looking bikes and took a few shots, eh!! As I was doing that I noticed the great sunset & stormy clouds all around so I just had to get some shots of that too, right!! ;-)) Then when we arrived at our daughter Sherri's home, they had a few of the family finishing dinner and they started playing with Kalee's new baby Alycia. So out came my camera again. She's such a cutie, eh!! Even when crying!! ;-))

The shots from '5013-5032' were taken in the waiting room where Kathy was having her 'breathing' tests. I'd liked to have taken almost everything home with us, because Kathy & I love 'old' Antique stuff. Especially all of the wood items!! The 'Safeway' shots were mostly to dampen my anger at someone moving the cart corral to block the so called 'safe' walking area to the store. Then Kathy suggested that I should send the pictures to The Jay Leno Show, as people send in dumb stuff like this and he shows it on the show. I'd love to see my pictures and know that hundreds of thousands of people all across the country are seeing it too. Hmmm ... maybe I'll mention this to Safeway Inc when I write them too!! ;-))) And we FINALLY got some rain, but not enough to do any good other than to give us some great smells, eh!! Lastly, it looks like our 'Ricky' got into another fight, just be checking out the quarter size scar on his left cheek, eh!!

Later, 'Viper'

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sunsets, Ricky, Cars, Trucks, Roses & American Indian Earrings

Hi Everyone, .... see all of the pictures here ....

Besides some beautiful Sunset shots that I got, I did a lot of playing around with them too. So if you look at the 'file' names you'll see whether I edited them or not. The first 3 were taken at Marino's after breakfast. I came outside and saw a great looking work truck and tilt-back trailer that I would have loved when I first moved up here to Weaverville. Since I had been driving a semi-truck and pulling a roll-back hauling heavy machinery, I could of farm out my service and maybe worked it into a full time job up here?? ;-)) Then I noticed not one tiny cloud anywhere I looked so took that shot. And since I love Red on a car/truck I just had to zoom in on that hot looking Dodge Charger, eh!! ;-)) For those of you that may not have heard thru the grapevine, our well is sucking up more air than water these days, so our poor plants, including a couple trees are really hurting the past 3 weeks with our 100º+ weather up here.

And then I got some good shots of Ricky when I went out to bring in my Flag and then shot a few beautiful Sunset pictures. He was so nosy in watching everything that I was doing, so of course I had to stop and take some shots of him too, eh!! And last but nowhere in the least ... are 3 sets of earrings that I had my friends, Barbara & Stacy Maness in Texas pick up for me while they were on vacation in Indian Territory, eh!! Real hand made jewelry 'imported' via way of Texas, eh!!! ;-)) I've had just an awful time keeping them hidden from Kathy or even talking about them every time she's asking me about looking at the new earrings that she just got from Avon or when we're in shopping at Longs Drugs every week. So instead of just giving them to her and giving her a big kiss, she'll find out when she sees and reads my Blog Update, eh!! How's that for a surprise from a couple that usually just tell the other what to buy for birthdays, anniversary's, Christmas, etc!! BTW, July 24th, 2007 will be our 25th or 'Silver' Anniversary!! ;-)) Thank you Barb & Stacy for your help in surprising Kathy, eh!! '-))

Later, 'Viper'

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Hi Everyone, .... see all of the pics ....

My Blog Update today is very simple, but to the point. Long let our FLAG wave!! Kathy saw our Flag waving almost straight out a couple of days ago and said that I should take a picture. So I did!! ;-)) Then as I was looking at it flying so pretty and thinking about all the people that are fighting for our freedoms and all those other people fighting to take them all away from us, I decided to take even more shots and share them with all of my ebuddies and I'll strongly suggest that you forward this link to anyone that you want to, letting everyone know that we're sick and tired of our own Government, Politicians & Foreigners trying to tell us we can't say anything 'Godly' out in public anymore or our kids can't say prayers in our schools, etc, etc, but standing up for our rights, eh!! And If you have never flown a Flag in your yard ... TODAY is the Day to Start!!

The video is about 16 seconds long and is just beautiful to me, watching it 'flying' almost straight out, eh!! Then I took 5 shots in a 'burst' mode that takes very fast shots in succession. So you have 3 choices OR look at all of them, right!! ;-))

Later, 'Viper'

P.S. ~ Today was our first day to pass that nasty 100 degrees, actually 101º !!

July 5th ... UPDATE!!

Hi Everyone,
I just added the new shots to my July 3rd group, so I could keep show my Flag at the top a bit longer, eh!! God Bless America!!
.... click here to see ALL of my pictures ....

I went to town today to run some errands and of course just had to take a couple shots, eh!! BTW, when I left the house a bit after 4:15 pm, the temp was a 'cool' 104º !!! ;-O Our local weather from Google showed a high of 110º for today. As normal for a biker, as long as I was moving the heat didn't really feel to bad. But each time I stopped to go into a building and then came back outside, that dry hot heat would just slam me in the face and get back on my bike a quick as I could, eh!! ;-))) I met a couple other bikers from Eureka at Burger King and when they left home it was in the low 60's. They asked me if I knew just how hot is was and when I told them 104º and where they were heading and they said 'Redding' ... I said that's a really nice ride but that I'd pray for them because it's usually quite a few degrees hotter there!! I then said it's the ride and to just enjoy it!! They both smiled, agreed with me and headed out!!

Speaking of the heat ... every place I stopped today I had to be very careful where I dropped my kickstand down, because of the very soft asphalt everywhere!!! I parked in a shady spot at the bank and when I came back out, my kickstand left an impression about as deep as a quarter!!! Then while driving the 3 miles back home from Main Street, on my twisty/turny road, I could almost feel my tires pushing the soft road bed away from my tires!! I'll find out Saturday how the many trips from a log truck and a couple of gravel trucks have done to the road in all this above 100 degree heat, eh!!

Tina told me a couple of nights ago that she had finished getting her 'ROCK' fountain up and running and that I could stop by anytime to take more pictures, but that it would not be running water as she was going down south for a few days to pick up 2 of her grand kids for their normal 'summer vacation' with her. So when she gets home, I'll get some shots with the water bubbling up the top of her rock and falling over the one edge, eh!!

Then when driving down Main Street I noticed that our local Joss House Museum finally got the new roof on, after many months of using tarps to cover the under-layment on a couple of our rainy days in the past months. And it's looking really nice all bright and shiny, eh!! Even got in a couple shots of my bike and in one shot yet!! '-)) Plus a few more like the Rose, New B&B, Burn Marks and a few Sunset shots too.

Then I have a few scans from our local newspaper, The Trinity Journal. Here again is where I put up ALL of my pictures for everyone to see, when I would normally be sending out 4 or more emails to various people. Like I'd send the 'Horse' pictures to my buddies like Barb & Stacy, Nadine & Johnny, the 'Pot Gardens' like to my son Ran who lived up here many years and to Val who was born and raised in Trinity County. Then 'SchmidtRides' to my biker buddies. But now with the way I'm putting 'all my eggs in one basket', everyone can look at them all OR not, eh!! Schmidt is one of our local 'Bikers for God' group up here and sometimes they will be eating at our Marino's on a Saturday before heading out on a ride somewhere. Then I get to take a lot bike shots all in one place, right!!!

Enjoy, 'Viper'