Kasey & Jaiden Maness, Sunsets, Clouds, My Honda, Nice Buck, Lucy & Ricky, and Trinity Journal News

Hi Everyone, .... see all my shots here!! ....
My friend Barb in TX sent me some great Sunset shots from their last little bike run to Port Aransas, TX, where they did a little fishing too. And she also sent me 4 more shots of my 'adopted' grand kids of hers too. So I hope you enjoy her pictures too, eh!!
Wednesday the 18th I rode my bike up to Oregon Summit to take some shots because we had some of the greatest clouds!! I've only included the 'pano' shots this today but I'll add the single shots as I can get around to it and let you know, ok. This time it seemed like my bike was in the way a lot, so instead of moving it for a shot, I just left it in. Hope you don't mind, eh!! ;-)) Then on my way home as I was rounding the sharp V turn at the bottom of our houses, I came close to hitting a nice Buck that was starting to cross the roadway coming out behind a big tree. So I slowed down quickly and pulled over to the side of the road and stopped, as I had my camera hanging around my neck. I got off very slowly to not spook him, and just turn my camera on, pointed and shoot, because I figured that he'd be running, right. NOT!! He just stood there looking at me so I got off another 2-3 focused shoots AND a video too. After looking at these shots on my computer, I swear that he posed for me too!! Check it out!!
The shots of my bike and me in the Red 'Texas State Rally' T-Shirt, were taken with a timer and the shirt was sent to me by Barb and Stacy Maness, of the Temple, TX 'Horny Toad HD' HOG Chapter they are members of. I mostly wanted everyone to see these shots too, instead of just Barb & Stacy, eh!! The shots of Lucy and Ricky were because just a few seconds before I got my camera, they were taunting each other thru our living room windows. But of course as soon as I turned on my camera, they started ignoring each other or maybe it was me they were ignoring, eh!! ;-)) So I took one picture without the flash and one with the flash, because I knew that I could not get a good shot of both either way. Then after I tried to edit them to show both cats and that didn't work, I copied and pasted a lighter version from each picture over the darker one from each picture. So just ignore my off color and enjoy the shots of both cats, ok!!
Then of course I just had to share some beautiful Sunset shots I got thru out Pine trees, eh!! Hope you enjoy them too. The last 4 items I scanned out of The Trinity Journal from Wednesday because I thought they might be of interest to some of you. Again, I'm adding ALL my shots into the same Blog, instead of sending various people just a couple here and another couple there, eh!! And aren't those Triplets just so adorable!! We've had a Doe with 'twins' come around a lot over the 31 years I've lived up here, but I've never seen triplets yet. One day, eh!!
Later, 'Viper'
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