Hot Cars, Trucks, Soap Stars, Moon and Frogs, eh!!

Hi Everyone, see ALL of the shots here, eh!!
I have a variety of shots for you today, but the very best of them all, is the water truck filling our tanks!!! We have water again!! Maybe our well pump will be able to relax for a few days till the float drops low enough to kick the pump back on and then the well will have time to fill up that 328 foot deep well and pump water for more than just 12-15 minutes as it has been doing, eh!!
When you view the 3 shots of soap stars, I've been testing how to take better pictures off our tv and these have come out the best to date. I'm finding out that I can get better shots by taking my shots about 12' away and then editing my shot to the size that I want. When I take them any closer I seem to pick all kinds of lines and shadings that is the tv picture refreshing rate.
The shots of the trucks and cars were because they just caught my eye. But the shots of the 'Canyon' I had missed at Longs because they pulled out and drove away before I could get my camera out of our cars trunk. Then when we pulled in the Tops parking lot area, there it was so I took some shots just as they started backing out there too.
All the shots of the water truck was the best yet tho ... they were delivering water because our well hasn't been keeping up with our and our tenants usage!! But I had to bring a water line down 165 # from the tanks to give Mike & Ron a hookup closer to their truck, as they can't drive the truck up any closer, eh!! If you check out the 'NewWaterLine_pano' shot that will show you the distance from our water tank shed and the corner of our house and the end of the pipe and connector/cap is about another 22' to the opposite side of the house closer to the driveway.
Then the shots of the Moon came out pretty good and Kathy just got a package today with the Frog T-Shirt and the Frog Towel and the pictures were just so cute that I had to take shots of them too, right!! ;-))
Later, 'Viper'
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