Variety Plus, Mustang, Bikes, Animals, Cats. People, Body Painting, Linux vs Windows ;-))

Hi Everyone,
I have a lot of variety this time and if I'd still be doing it the 'old' way, I'd be breaking up all these pictures into various groups of one or more and probably sending out 6-7 different emails. So this 'NEW' system of mine to upload ALL of the pictures into only one file and then let you all see what everyone else will be seeing and only having to send out one email is working GREAT for me. So hope you don't mind me doing it this way, because I'll be doing it this way anyway for some time, eh!! ;-)))
Most of these pictures I found on the Internet while looking at one of my 'joke' ezines. The 'DSCF' pictures are my own shots, the 'Coach & Garage' pics were sent to my by ebuddy Bill/Ann Method, the 'HANickles' pictures are from my ex-brother-in-law of his Mustang/Truck/Home that I've been waiting on for like 'years!!', eh Harold!! ;-)) And the 'Seniors View' is of a friend here in Weaverville. So hope you have fun looking at everything or at least some, eh!!
And Ran, the Linux/Windows stuff is mostly for YOU and the bitchin' Suzuki is what you can get me when you win the Power Ball Lottery, eh!! ;-)) To see ALL of the pics, click here!!
Later, 'Viper'
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