Both Great Grand Kids Alycia & Rylan, Whiskytown Lake, Indian Dream Catcher & Earrings, HD Truck & Bike, Clouds & Sailboats, Rafters, Reptile, Cliffs

Hi Everyone,
We went to Redding yesterday to see our 6 day 2nd Great Grandchild, Rylan Darren Parker, eh!! First off as normal when driving to Redding, we stopped off at the Whiskeytown Ranger Station to use the restrooms and take some pictures. Then we drove down to Anderson first, which is a few miles past Redding, to pick up Kathy's Wind Catcher & Earrings that she bought from her 'ex-sister-in-law' Evelyn Malroy and a gift for new born Rylan. Then drove back to Sherri & Tom's (daughter) place to visit with them and the other daughter Lourie, her daughter Kalee and our first Great Grandchild, Alycia who is about 8 weeks old now!! After eating some lunch, taking some shots and talking, we all left to drive to the North of Redding a few miles to Lake Shasta City and visit with JaNell and the new baby Rylan. So I got a lot of shots of the family AND Rylan & Alycia together, eh!! Both baby's got passed around quite a bit here!! ;-))
One thing about all of the 'indoor' shots that I took, most were all were NOT with my flash, so I could take more 'informal' shots with everyone staring at me after the first shot, right. So when you view them please ignore the graininess or fuzziness, ok!! I wasn't going for 'portriat' quality. But when you look at the 2 'cropped' shots of Kalee laying on the floor with the red throw, I sure wished the I had been. Then I would have gotten a great picture of her smiling at her new baby Alycia!! ;-))
The shots of the fish tank with Shane's 'Reptile' I took because I like reptiles, especially Dragons ;-)) and I love odd looking rocks and any like of wood, period. So just look at what's in these shots, ok!! The shots of the great looking Red Dodge Ram is because this is my 'type' of truck AND the red color was such a deep red!! I lost a lot of this shading, because where the shade was covering the front of the truck, it was almost black in my pictures. So I tried to edit these shots with compromising a bit in the middle ranges to show off the total truck and coloring. The other Red Dodge truck shot was as we were leaving BK and I didn't feel like getting out of the car and got a lot of reflection on the GREAT looking wheels, eh!!
The shots of the Black Ford and the Harley Rider were taken within the car as we were just leaving Redding and I was watching both come up behind me and then pass me, so I grabbed my camera off the seat and tried taking some shots. ALL were bad and not focused very good, but the ones I included were the best ones after I edited them a lot!! But the truck was a 'Harley Davidson Limited Edition' and really a nice looking 'Hi-Boy' and the guy riding the HD had a really nice bike and he had a few tattoos too!! Now for the 'Clouds' & 'Sailboats' shots, those were taken within the car again as we were driving by Whiskeytown Lake on our was home.
Lastly, all the 'DCCliffs' shots were taken in Douglas City, on the Hwy #3 side heading to Hayfork. I had stopped to take some shots of the 'cliffs' and then heard all kinds of yelling and some noise like maybe firecrackers going off ever so often. When I looked up river towards Weaverville I saw some rafters coming down river so I waited and took some shots of them too!! Beside, the Trinity River always is worth shooting, eh!! Then when we got home I took some shots of Kathy's NEW Dream Catcher and scanned her NEW Feather Earrings. I think the Black/Purple earrings are Hot myself!! ;-)) Maybe that's the Irish/Cherokee blood in me!! Inside joke there, eh!! ;-))) You can check out ALL of the shots here!!
Later, 'Viper'
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