Flowers, Trash Cleanup, Lucy Cat, Deer, Tina's Fountain Rock,Beautifull Landscape & Chain Saw Sculptures

Hi Everyone,
I have more flowers/new growth shots, some ground cover shots of pretty flowers, some 'before' trash cleanup shots and 1 'after' shot, a couple of our cat Lucy, and 3 shots of our local deer that came by to say 'Hello!!' Then in the last update I showed some shots of the place/hole where my friend Tina is putting a water fountain, eh!! Well, I have some updates with that too. The 'Tina's Foundtain?? ;-)) Rock is 'her' rock that she'll be using. It's still at '3 Seasons' waiting for the time to truck it over to Tina's house. The 'Metal Art' is hanging on 3 Season's Patio Fence and I just forgot to name the file as all the rest, eh!! All of the '3 SeasonsPatio' shots are in/around a nice patio they built to show off what anyone can do with their sand, gravel, rock, other materials, to fix up your own lawn and/or garden area. Hope you like all the extra shots, eh!! And the 'Horny Toad' pictures are of 2 items that Barbara & Stacy sent me from Rosebud, TX. They are members of the local HOG Chapter in Temple, TX and the local Harley shop is named 'Horny Toad Harley-Davidson', so as you can see they adopted the 'Horny Toad' for their emblem on signs and banners, eh!! The double shot of our 2 year?? Red Maple and new Cherry Tree just planted a couple of weeks ago, are just to remind us how tall they are now, so that in the following years I can take shots of each about this same time and compare the height and the looks, eh!!
Now ... I've saved the best for last!! All of the 'Beautiful Landscape' shots are of a local 'old family' house of the Mallolly's. Years ago the brother moved away, the sister died and the mom was in a convalescent home. And I don't know if she's still alive or not. But the new people that bought their property stated fixing it up years ago inside and out. As you can see they have done one GREAT job as I see it. Anyway, after I took a truck load of trash to our local 'transfer' station, I made a 2nd trip back to the 'recyclers' as I normally do. That's the blue building in the background of some of these shots and that's my Red Dodge truck in the background too. What's of interest to me mostly, even tho I love the grounds and the way they have landscaped it so beautifully, is all of the 'Chain Saw' sculptures by a local artist all around the place!! You may have to look a little harder to see the ones that are small or way off in the background, but it's well worth a look!!! ;-)) You can check out ALL of the pictures here!!
Later, 'Viper'
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