Keef's Wild Flowers, Barb's Cannas, Bikes & GAC Bugle Newsletter

Hi Everyone,
Today I have some shots of pretty wild flowers that are growing at the side and bottom of our rental house, that I took on Friday the 1st of June. Kathy and I have been waiting for them to finally decide to bloom and they finally are doing so, eh!! Now they'll be filling out and we'll be having a ton of color all over this area and across the street to our lower 'garden/barn' area too!!
The GAC Bugle is from our local Golden Age Center where I used to work and I added it too, because a couple of my local ebuddies can download and print it out that do not have a subscription to the Bugle, ok!! ;-)) They do have some interesting facts pertain to any age about health, tips & sometime good jokes too. So feel free to read it too.
Now I saved the best for last. My ebuddy/friend Barb in TX sent me some shots of her Cannas yesterday and they are so pretty, that I just had to add them too!! Barb, don't get mad but I did some editing on them to reduce the size for the web, to bring out just the Cannas and not so much of the background, to add a frame and your name too, ok!! But what beautiful plants!! I LOVE these shots!! ;-))
The 2 bike picture I cropped out of some larger bike 'rally' pictures that Barb sent to me also. The 'RedBike' shot is from the window refection of a totally different shot (Barb, you know which one!! ;-))' and the 'Bike' shot was cropped out of a big bunch of bikes, because it's kind of my 'style' of a custom bike, eh!! I had to blow it up 200%, so it is a little grainy. Sorry!! But it looks 'Hot' to me. Check out all here!!
Later, 'Viper'
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