Viper Country

Here you will be able to view the four seasons in and around the Weaverville area of Trinity County, California. Plus some of various shots of anything and everything, as I'm a camera 'nut', eh!! ;-))

My Photo
Location: Weaverville, California, United States

Since my 'forced' retirement on June 23rd, 2005, I'm trying to build an 'at home' business via the Internet and learning more about using my digital camera, eh!! The picture is of ME & Kathy, my wife who's one bad ass Quilter!! We will be adding some of her handiwork too. I'd love to hear from computer & graphics people so I can learn more and we'd both love to hear from Quilters too!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Old Treadle Sewing Machine, Clouds, Flowers!!

Hi Everyone,
I have some shots of a nice Black Bikers Jacket (a 42 and I wear a 44), an old Treadle Sewing Machine, some pretty Clouds, Flowers, and a truck load of computer/tv junk, eh!! So check all of them out when you have the time,eh!!
Later, 'Viper'

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hot Cars, Trucks, Soap Stars, Moon and Frogs, eh!!

Hi Everyone, see ALL of the shots here, eh!!

I have a variety of shots for you today, but the very best of them all, is the water truck filling our tanks!!! We have water again!! Maybe our well pump will be able to relax for a few days till the float drops low enough to kick the pump back on and then the well will have time to fill up that 328 foot deep well and pump water for more than just 12-15 minutes as it has been doing, eh!!

When you view the 3 shots of soap stars, I've been testing how to take better pictures off our tv and these have come out the best to date. I'm finding out that I can get better shots by taking my shots about 12' away and then editing my shot to the size that I want. When I take them any closer I seem to pick all kinds of lines and shadings that is the tv picture refreshing rate.

The shots of the trucks and cars were because they just caught my eye. But the shots of the 'Canyon' I had missed at Longs because they pulled out and drove away before I could get my camera out of our cars trunk. Then when we pulled in the Tops parking lot area, there it was so I took some shots just as they started backing out there too.

All the shots of the water truck was the best yet tho ... they were delivering water because our well hasn't been keeping up with our and our tenants usage!! But I had to bring a water line down 165 # from the tanks to give Mike & Ron a hookup closer to their truck, as they can't drive the truck up any closer, eh!! If you check out the 'NewWaterLine_pano' shot that will show you the distance from our water tank shed and the corner of our house and the end of the pipe and connector/cap is about another 22' to the opposite side of the house closer to the driveway.

Then the shots of the Moon came out pretty good and Kathy just got a package today with the Frog T-Shirt and the Frog Towel and the pictures were just so cute that I had to take shots of them too, right!! ;-))
Later, 'Viper'

Monday, June 18, 2007

Red Semi-Truck, Wild Flowers, Waxing Crescent Moon, 'MY UFO' & Baby Birds

Hi Everyone, Click Here to see ALL!!
I have some new shots of the Waxing Crescent Moon, a pretty Red Semi-Truck that reminded me of the 'old' days, more Sweet Peas and some new Baby Bird pictures from my son Randy!!
Later, 'Viper'

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Alycia, Bikes, Birds, Butterflies, Sweet Peas, Wild Flowers, Flower Planter, Lucy & Ricky too!!

Hi Everyone, .... Click Here to see ALL!! ....

Just UPDATED my Blog and have another variety of pictures, eh!! I'll start off with new shots of our First Great Grand Daughter, move into a butterfly collage especially for my sister 'Jo', then a some shots of a nice looking Harley and my bike just happened to be in the 'line of fire', eh!! ;-)) Then a couple shots of some birds that used to be seen around he a lot in the past, but haven't been seen for many a year till now, shots of sweet peas and wildflowers, a custom Dodge Truck that I wouldn't mind owning.

Now for the best ... a couple shots of our very own 'Trinity County Choppers', eh!! ;-)) More Butterflies, Clouds, Sunset shots with one that came out just fab!!! If you care to see and hear the winds that was happening as I was taking these sunset shots, check out the 'AVI', but it's kind of a long download via 56k modem, eh!! It's a good thing that I was using my tripod on the 'still' shots!! Then the White Honda Gull Wing and Trailer was such an eye catcher, that I just had to take some of it, eh!! While there I saw that all the flowers in the planter had really bloomed out and I'd been waiting for about 2 weeks hoping to get a lot of color and that I did, eh!! Then add the North Valley Bank flower display, it was like hitting the Jack-Pot!!! ;-)) Then a good shot of our street flags out for Flag Day, and then on the ride from NVB to the PO, I saw this GREAT looking Red Cobra and stopped to get a few shots of that and the nice looking bike parked a couple of spaces away.

The last shots are of Lucy and Ricky eating 'together' which is a major happening for us, a couple of 'senior' pictures and a really cute video about cats, eh!! Some old and some new to me, that someone made a video of. Well, that's about all for this update. Hope you enjoy all the pictures, eh!! ;-))

Later, 'Viper'

Monday, June 11, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I've got some more goodies today and NOT one is a picture of mine, eh!! The 'Dolomite Mountains, ITALY' is from a Power Point Presentation sent to my by my ebuddy Evelyn in California and I'm going to grab the rest of the pictures for my files.

The 'FirstKiss', 'Kasey' & 'Sunset' shots were sent to my by my ebuddy Barbara in Texas. The 'LindaLee' shots were sent to me by my long lost friend and now new ebuddy Linda Haner, of her granddaughter Grace who will turn 1 year old on the 12th of June.

The shots of 'Maia' are from Kathy's sister Karen of her new granddaughter!! Seems like a lot of grand kids shots, eh!! ;-)) Remember when YOU had your very first grand kid?? We now have TWO GREAT Grand Kids!! My how time flies by. I can still remember my 1st kid being born and that was way back in 1962, eh!! ;-)) Click here to see ALL!!

Later, 'Viper"

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Custom Painted Harley, Old Stagecoach, Kayakers, Gold Drege & Trinity River

Hi Everyone,

While we were in town today shopping, I saw the most beautiful custom paint job that I've ever seen on any bike before!! I tried taking shots at different angles so you hopefully see how the coloring changes as you move up/down and left/right while viewing it. So if you think I threw in to many 'similar' shots just look closely at each one to see how the coloring changes. It may show up better in the slide show too.

Also, Kathy picked up a couple post cards today and one is of a real stage coach that used to come out of Redding, CA with the mail and passengers, the 47 miles of twisting/turning, up/down grades, with a team of 6 horses, to Weaverville, the County Seat of Trinity County. Later on they would come up our road of Oregon Street then drop down into the LaGrange Mine to deliver mail and foods, then on over to Junction City about another 4 miles. Later yet they then continued on down river a ways and did a return trip. I met one of the drivers many years back and he told me it took about a week to make the return trip or the complete trip took 2 weeks!! Now we drive this same distance in about 90 minutes one way, eh!! ;-)) And the picture of Trinity River and the Kayakers and the floating Gold Dredge is still a common site today. To see ALL of the pictures, Click Here!!

Later, 'Viper'

Friday, June 08, 2007

Hi Everyone,

We have a new 'consignment' shop in town and Kathy and I finally had time to stop by and check it out. I took some closeups and long shots to try showing as much as I could, eh!! They have fairly good prices too. Be sure to check out a hanging stained glass of a Red Dragon/Sword too, that I really wanted to bring home, but just can't afford it right now!! Also, some scenery shots of Clouds, Mountains, Weaverville from top of Oregon Mt. Of course some shots of our Lucy and Ricky too, Beautiful Sunsets, Me and my NEW T from my friends Barb & Stacy in TX, and when you look at the custom wheels picture, I'd like to have the one in the center 'Savage' on the front of my bike, eh!! I hope you enjoy them ALL, eh!! After Kathy watching the town sweet peas for about 25 years now, making their way the 3 miles up to our place, we finally have a few growing on the edge of our lawn area. Ours haven't started blooming yet, but the shots you see are just below our property, eh!! Same with the wild roses that grow all over town, a few years ago they made it up here and are just starting to bloom. I've already add shots in an earlier blog update, but more shots to come when they get fully bloomed, ok!! Click here to see ALL!!

Also, my son Randy has had a Bird build a nest in his basement Computer Lab room and he's been sending me pictures as he can get shots of the momma, nest, eggs and now the baby's. Just check out the latest of Ran's slide shows of his baby birds and Momma, eh!!

Later, 'Viper'

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Keef's Wild Flowers, Barb's Cannas, Bikes & GAC Bugle Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

Today I have some shots of pretty wild flowers that are growing at the side and bottom of our rental house, that I took on Friday the 1st of June. Kathy and I have been waiting for them to finally decide to bloom and they finally are doing so, eh!! Now they'll be filling out and we'll be having a ton of color all over this area and across the street to our lower 'garden/barn' area too!!

The GAC Bugle is from our local Golden Age Center where I used to work and I added it too, because a couple of my local ebuddies can download and print it out that do not have a subscription to the Bugle, ok!! ;-)) They do have some interesting facts pertain to any age about health, tips & sometime good jokes too. So feel free to read it too.

Now I saved the best for last. My ebuddy/friend Barb in TX sent me some shots of her Cannas yesterday and they are so pretty, that I just had to add them too!! Barb, don't get mad but I did some editing on them to reduce the size for the web, to bring out just the Cannas and not so much of the background, to add a frame and your name too, ok!! But what beautiful plants!! I LOVE these shots!! ;-))

The 2 bike picture I cropped out of some larger bike 'rally' pictures that Barb sent to me also. The 'RedBike' shot is from the window refection of a totally different shot (Barb, you know which one!! ;-))' and the 'Bike' shot was cropped out of a big bunch of bikes, because it's kind of my 'style' of a custom bike, eh!! I had to blow it up 200%, so it is a little grainy. Sorry!! But it looks 'Hot' to me. Check out all here!!

Later, 'Viper'

Friday, June 01, 2007

Variety Plus, Mustang, Bikes, Animals, Cats. People, Body Painting, Linux vs Windows ;-))

Hi Everyone,

I have a lot of variety this time and if I'd still be doing it the 'old' way, I'd be breaking up all these pictures into various groups of one or more and probably sending out 6-7 different emails. So this 'NEW' system of mine to upload ALL of the pictures into only one file and then let you all see what everyone else will be seeing and only having to send out one email is working GREAT for me. So hope you don't mind me doing it this way, because I'll be doing it this way anyway for some time, eh!! ;-)))

Most of these pictures I found on the Internet while looking at one of my 'joke' ezines. The 'DSCF' pictures are my own shots, the 'Coach & Garage' pics were sent to my by ebuddy Bill/Ann Method, the 'HANickles' pictures are from my ex-brother-in-law of his Mustang/Truck/Home that I've been waiting on for like 'years!!', eh Harold!! ;-)) And the 'Seniors View' is of a friend here in Weaverville. So hope you have fun looking at everything or at least some, eh!!

And Ran, the Linux/Windows stuff is mostly for YOU and the bitchin' Suzuki is what you can get me when you win the Power Ball Lottery, eh!! ;-)) To see ALL of the pics, click here!!

Later, 'Viper'