HI Everyone,
Today I have a TON of pictures just uploaded to my Blog & web pages. Now I do NOT expect each one of you to view 100%, but as I told you a couple months ago, I'm now putting ALL of my pictures in one place so you all can pick and choose. This is making it so much easier on me and my time, instead of sending 5-6 emails with different picture links. Now I just put all my pictures in one place and you all can view what seems of interest to you, ok!!
First Slide Show: This is the short version of the baby shower for Shane & Janelle, that we went to on Saturday the 24th, at Tom & Sherri's (our daughter) home in Redding. Shane is Tom & Sherri's son. This slide show is mostly about the people that were in attendance, eh!!
Second Slide Show: This group of pictures are more shots of the actual opening of the shower gifts and might be boring to those of you that do not know our family, eh!! But if you do want to check it out, be sure to go towards the end of this group starting with shot number #DSCF3326, because that is where Janelle is opening the Quilt that we made for her, eh!! I tied 160 'ties' on this quilt!! ;-))
Third Slide Show:This group is of shots I took on our 47 mile drive home of the evening sky as it stated getting darker and darker. If some shots look fuzzy, edited, blurry or just funny, those were the shots that I took thru the dirty windshield. Bugs galore, yep it's spring time in Redding, plus our windshield is pitted from a sand storm, so reflects light badly some times. The more clear shots are because I stopped the car to take outside shots, eh!! Some shots are edited a bit to bring out the coloring as I saw it, some I used my sunglasses in front of the lens, because I was shooting directly into very bright sunlight, even tho we had very dark rain clouds all around, eh!! The last 4 shots are of the mill pond, main street and at the post office, before heading up the hill to home!! By now its almost dark!!
Fourth Slide Show:Ok, I've saved the BEST for last!! This slide show is of most all of the pictures that grand mother Lourie (our daughter) took of Kalee and her new baby, OUR 1st GREAT Grand Kid, Alycia Annmarie, eh!! ;-)) Again this group is huge with about 180 pictures and probably very boring to everyone else excepting us, but you are welcome to check it out too. ;-))
To check out ALL of these pictures individually AND even more, just
CLICK HERE!! Later, Viper