Custom Harley Davidson

Well, enough of the 'bs' ... now here's the plain truth. Even tho I don't go for the 'wide' type of bars, the long rear fender, etc, IF I had just won the lottery I'd call up the owner and tell him that I WAS GOING TO DRIVE THIS BIKE HOME!! I'd be standing on the drivers side and he/she on the oppisite side and we'd start talking as I handed him/her thousand dollar bills (yeah, I know I'd have to use hundreds, but this isn't real anyway, right!!), and start 'hard nosing' him at about 14 grand and make it harder and harder on him/her each grand and hope that I wouldn't have to go all the way to 18 grand, eh!! But even with all of that I'd really love to own this bike, so I could ride it around town and enjoy all those other bikers passing by giving me the old wave, eh!! Right now riding my Honda 750 Shadow Spirit around town, the Harley boys/girls wave most of the time, but it's like a really weak wave, eh!! ;-))
BTW, I've added a couple pictures of my bike too. Just click here to see all of the bike pictures!! When you look at them, be sure to check out the one where I'm setting on it and holding onto the bars. If you'll note my stomach area I am carrying a large shopping bag with 4 'take-out' dinners, a lot of mail is wrapped up inside my bike cover tied onto the bars and both saddle bags are full of stuff too, like my camera, my bike dusting towel, a couple of prescriptions and some misc from the 4 dinners!! The other picture is just to show you all that I'm not only a biker, but just a good old redneck boy too!! Later, 'Viper'