Wildfires, Misc +

Hi Everyone, I have more miscellenous pictures for you again. I'm make a couple of remarks, then you can just go and pick out the ones you want to see, eh!! The first pictures will show you the difference between a 2007 model and a 1936 model Harley Davidson. The 'smoky' pictures over a period of time, but even today was not only smoky but the winds were very brisk. Not good for our fires. Good News = the temps are to drop 20-25 degrees over the next couple of days and the coolness will help the fire fighters, eh!! I try to tell you a little something about each picture by the file name and then on the bottom of some of the pictures too. About the only ones I didn't take time to explain are the pictures from the newspaper and they speak for them selves, eh!! Later, 'Viper'