Ricky, Clouds, and Bikes

Hi Everyone, Today I have an assortment of pictures from the past 3 days. The first few are of our 'new' Siamese/Lynx cat 'Ricky'. One shot is probably embarrassing to him too, as Kathy reached up to pet him just as I took the shot and she had his ears pinned back, eh!! Then some shots of our Saturday morning shopping outing which started out without a cloud in the sky then completely filled with beautiful clouds. Later that afternoon hardly any clouds again. Then as we drove into the Tops parking lot to shop, in came two really nice Purple painted bikes. So I got out my camera and went over to say 'Hi' and to get a few pictures. While I was doing that in pulls another Purple bike across the way, so I had to grab a few shots of that one too, right!!
We've been having 'water' bombers flying over our house so much lately that it's really unnerving and stressful, even tho we know the fire is miles down river from us. So while taking even more pictures over the weekend I was able to get a couple shots of one of the planes. Also, while taking some of the cloud pictures a Raven flew into the shot, so I enlarged that one so you could see him better, eh!!
Later, 'Viper'
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