Butterfly, Hummingbird, Clouds, Flowers & Misc ;-))

Well Folks, I've been taking tons of shots of all the growth in our new plants & flowers. Then today Kathy called me to grab my camera and come a running. Yeah, like I can run, eh!! ;-0 But I got some shots of a 'hummer' standing still!! I have never seen one stand as long as this guy did and not just once, but twice!!! Then got a few good shots of a butterfly, but kept missing one with his wings wide open. Bummer. And you know how much I love taking cloud pictures and that I did too. Be sure to check out the 'Misc' too, because I have a nice 'Moon' shot coming thru the trees and a really cute pony pulling a wagon with a rider. Just check them out when you have the time, because I know I have a lot of things to view. Hope you like all of the pictures. Later, 'Viper'
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