Snow Peaks - Close and Afar

Another great 'summer' day!! ;-)) Seems like it was just a week ago that I put on my raincoat to go shopping and today had a light flannel overshirt, that came off as soon as we arrived at Marino's for breakfast. After shopping we blew off some of our local high-priced fuel to take a drive up to Oregon Summit and take some pictures of the snow on our higher mountain peaks. And that is melting very quickly. Our local newspaper, The Trinity Journal, had a snowpack update in the last issue, April 26th, stating that we had higher than normal snow depth and water content this year. So hopefully that's going to be good for my well, right!! ;-))
I used my tripod, but it didn't really do that much good because of the wind gusts that was hitting me. I had to try and time all of my shots between gusts and hold the tripod with one hand, while taking the shots. In some of my shots way off to the SW you can barely see the peaks of snow, so I shot some at about 50% zoom and a couple at 100%. I didn't even think about it till I was looking at all my pictures on my computer, but I should have used my polerized filter, because all of my shots came out to 'hazy blue', eh!! But you'll get the idea anyway, right. I think my very best shot is the last one. As I was turning about 180 degrees to collapase my tripod and put it away, I looked up to the north and saw those beautiful swirling clouds!! ~ Later, 'Viper'
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