Misc Shots Around Town Today

Today I needed to take a truck load of aluminum, plastic & glass into one of our recycling centers, get gas for my truck, file some paperwork at our Courthouse & pickup our mail. So when they weighed my stuff and I signed the form, the attendent handed me $43.33. I then drove to our lowest priced station in town so I could save a dime per gallon and filled up my truck which was at the 'half' tank mark, right. I try to not go below that level, because of the cost of filling an empty tank. The price for 87 octane was $3.199 and I knew that it would take about 10 gallons, so I handed the clerk $40. It took a little over 11 gallons at $38.92!!
Then after filing paperwork at the Courthouse to request a review by a Judge, on my eviction procedings of my non-paying tenants, I headed over to the PO to pick up my mail. As I drove into the parking lot saw this beautiful Red Cobra, so of course I had to take some pictures, right!! ;-)) Yesterday, I had taken a couple shots at my friend place, Norman Heryford, of a creek and his cute little dog, Kismet. Then today on the way home I stopped and took a couple more shots of our Spring blooms and then cropped out sections of one to give some different views. Hope you enjoy all of them, eh!! ~ Later, 'Viper'
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