Well Folks, I've been a touch lax in getting my pics uploaded lately so here they are. Besides taking my normal shots of our trees, clouds, mountains, last snow, etc, I have a few shots of some 'road racers' that had stopped at Marino's when we were there last Saturday for our normal breakfast. I only got to say 'Hi' as they were getting ready to pull out, as we were coming out the door to also leave. But I really loved the look of the Red bike, so I told him so and you should have seen the biggest smile cross his face!! ;-))
Then for what ever reason we have been getting a lot of visits from Hummingbirds this year. I do seem them at a couple of our flowers and we do have a feeder too, but it just way more visits than normal. We've seen 4 different ones that we can recognize or have seen at one time. But what get's me is that we've also had 'hummers' that actually light and just set for minutes at a time, checking out the scenery!! Today, a couple were setting atop one of our garden stakes or I should say 'rod'. I took a lot of pictures with the setting but they were way to dark against the Pine Needles, eh!!
Then last week we had one hell of a lightening/thunder storm and I took maybe 20+ shots trying to out guess when the lightening would strike by counting the seconds or just getting my camera in focus and then trying to 'click' when I felt the hairs on my neck beginning to tingle!! But I added only one to the group because it doesn't even begin to show the actual strike. My uncle (John Shaw) lives right across the roadway and I could see the bright lightening strikes coming thru the very black clouds way above my head and it looked closed enough that I was worried that I'd see a fire start around my uncle's home!! Right now in daylight we have a hard time even seeing his house thru all the trees, but that night his house lit up like one of those massive 'beacon' at a grand opening, even if it was for only a micro-second, eh!!
Hope you enjoy all the variety of shots!! ~ Later, 'Viper'