Viper Country

Here you will be able to view the four seasons in and around the Weaverville area of Trinity County, California. Plus some of various shots of anything and everything, as I'm a camera 'nut', eh!! ;-))

My Photo
Location: Weaverville, California, United States

Since my 'forced' retirement on June 23rd, 2005, I'm trying to build an 'at home' business via the Internet and learning more about using my digital camera, eh!! The picture is of ME & Kathy, my wife who's one bad ass Quilter!! We will be adding some of her handiwork too. I'd love to hear from computer & graphics people so I can learn more and we'd both love to hear from Quilters too!!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Mixed Bag ~ Snow, Sunshine, Trees & Cats

Well, I finally got around to uploading a few more pictures, eh!! Mostly for my sister, JoAnn, that keeps asking me for more. ;-0 Since we had to much snow on our driveway last Saturday the 21st, we didn't go to town for breakfast and grocery shopping. I just kept shoveling the snow in little bits of time, until I could get into town on Monday.

We were thinking that we'd try it again tomorrow (Saturday 28th) and it started snowing yesterday. So when we got up this morning we had another 2-3 inches of fresh snow and no satellite reception again.

So after lunch I went back to clearing off the driveway once again and as you will see in one of my pictures that we now have a clear driveway once again.

Now if Mother Nature will just leave it this way till Saturday afternoon and we've done our breakfast out and shopping, eh!! ;-))

Later, 'Viper'

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Rain Stopped ... Snow Started!!

Well folks, When we headed out about 9 am this morning to go shopping, it was snowing and starting to stick, eh!! By the time we arrived back home about 2 pm, it not only had stopped snowing, but all the slushy snow had also melted. Hurray!! So Kathy and I both had our cameras today and took shots thru out the morning and then when we headed home too. Because we both know that if you don't take that shot like right now, it may be gone in a few minutes or even seconds!!
If you look at
all of the pictures, you'll see where I stood in the middle of the road to get the couple of Main Street shots. This is one of my favorite views as we are coming back towards town when leaving the shopping area and are driving into the old main part of town. The view of snow on our mountains, looking past our Court House and the old town business area, is always a changing site. And I love taking pictures here, stupid drivers and all, eh!! ;-))
There are a couple shots of the sun trying to break thru and a couple shots of the snow clouds with the contrast of trees with no leaves any longer. I tried to position myself to get just the right angles and hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

The very last picture I wasn't going to add because it has nothing to do with the other shots today. But, as you will read on the picture, it took the County 30 years to finally make up their minds on a 'real' physical address, because of the New 911 Addressing System. When we moved up here in 1976 hardly anyone had an address number, even in the 'downtown' area. Everyone would just use their house color or something that would help people get to their house. We are 3 miles from Main Street/Hwy #299, so we used 'go 3 miles up Oregon Street and look for our large wooden sign - Keef's Stagecoach Stop' and that worked ok most of the time.

Then with more and more deliveries by UPS, FedEx, etc, different companies wanted an actual address and we'd tell them that we have none out this far. So just to make them feel better we started telling them our address was '3000 Oregon Street' and that worked until the County decided that they'd change it to '14320', eh!! Now we're '2801'!! What can I say. Government doings are way different than us country folks, eh!! ;-)) . . . Later, 'Viper'

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Our Past Rain/Snow/Slush Storm Pictures !!

Well folks, we're finally getting a non-raining day for a change, but the forecast is for more coming in tomorrow, Friday, eh!! Some of these pictures are my own and some were scanned from our local weekly newspaper, The Trinity Journal. The newsprint doesn't show the color pictures to good, so I tried to edit them a bit, but you'll just have to remember that these are real low quality pictures to start with, eh!! But, even tho I'm showing and talking about all the problems old Mother Nature has be throwing at us here in Trinity County, it's nothing compared to other place thru out the country, right!! So enjoy and say a prayer for the worse off, eh!! Later, 'Viper'

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Years!! Welcome to 2006, eh!!

Hi Everyone!! I'll start off my very first posting in 2006 with some pictures of all the rain and runoff that we've been getting. For those of you not living or knowing about where I live here in Weaverville, we live 3 miles from town on Oregon Street and about 800' higher elevation. So even tho our area has been getting an awful lot of rain day after day, we live in the hills so's to speak and have very good drainage.
But since we hadn't been to town since Saturday the 24th and it's been raining and snowing, both the nasty slushy kind, we hadn't seen any of the actual flooding that has been happening all around town, eh!! So yesterday we went to town to shop and these pictures will show some of that 'after' effects of our road and around town. It was spitting show when we left and continued thru out the day too, so most of my shots were thru the car windshield. But all of my shots came out really good, eh!!
Please note too: the 'avi' file is a short video of me at our back door and shooting the heavy winds blowing our tall pines every which way and the wind slammed the back door back against my camera hand, shoulder and head. Almost knocking me out of the door, eh!! Anyway, this short video is still over 15 mb's of download, so don't worry about it unless you just gotta, eh!! If any of you viewing this blog, know how I can upload longer video's, but compress them somehow so they don't take like forever to upload or download, PLEASE tell me how!! Otherwaise I hope you all enjoy more of my pictures, eh!!
Later, 'Viper'