Mixed Bag ~ Snow, Sunshine, Trees & Cats

Well, I finally got around to uploading a few more pictures, eh!! Mostly for my sister, JoAnn, that keeps asking me for more. ;-0 Since we had to much snow on our driveway last Saturday the 21st, we didn't go to town for breakfast and grocery shopping. I just kept shoveling the snow in little bits of time, until I could get into town on Monday.
We were thinking that we'd try it again tomorrow (Saturday 28th) and it started snowing yesterday. So when we got up this morning we had another 2-3 inches of fresh snow and no satellite reception again.
So after lunch I went back to clearing off the driveway once again and as you will see in one of my pictures that we now have a clear driveway once again.
Now if Mother Nature will just leave it this way till Saturday afternoon and we've done our breakfast out and shopping, eh!! ;-))
Later, 'Viper'