Viper Country

Here you will be able to view the four seasons in and around the Weaverville area of Trinity County, California. Plus some of various shots of anything and everything, as I'm a camera 'nut', eh!! ;-))

My Photo
Location: Weaverville, California, United States

Since my 'forced' retirement on June 23rd, 2005, I'm trying to build an 'at home' business via the Internet and learning more about using my digital camera, eh!! The picture is of ME & Kathy, my wife who's one bad ass Quilter!! We will be adding some of her handiwork too. I'd love to hear from computer & graphics people so I can learn more and we'd both love to hear from Quilters too!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Clouds, Fall Colors, Lucy Cat, Wildfire Burned Area, Black Bee, Moth, Birds, Moon, Cars, Trucks, Bikes and Custom Built Show Vehicle - StageFright

Hi Everyone, .... see Slide Show Click Here ....

I've a lot of variety for you again, so check out everything when you have the time, eh!! There are a lot of FALL COLOR pictures of course, but Clouds, Lucy Cat, Flowers, Wildfire Burned Area shots and more. Have fun viewing them all!! '-))

Later, 'Viper'

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fall Colors, Sunsets & Storm Clouds, Wind Blown Clouds, Nice Maroon Ford Truck, Biker, Lucy our Cat eating Grass, New Wood Shed Shots

Hi Everyone, .... see slide show here ....

I just Updated my Blog with about 65 pictures of various things, but mostly shots of our Fall Colors that are starting to pop because of the cold weather we've been getting. As of Wednesday night, I also have our yard almost cleared of all the trash that didn't go back inside the new wood shed and even mowed all the weeds that were growing tall, eh!! I'll still be changing and rearranging stuff inside for awhile, but it's even more organized now too. I still have some tree poles and pallets to cut up for firewood, so some or most will go inside and the rest will just be stacked outside and tarped.

One of the pictures is of a biker crusing thru the parking lot while I was taking shots of a really nice Ford Crew Cab pickup and all I did when I heard him coming by was swing my camera around and follow him as I clicked the shutter and it came out really clean/clear!! Then a lot of the trees at the Tops/Longs parking lot are turning colors and I was afraid to wait another week. So if they have even more color next Thursday on shopping day I'll take more shots, eh!! '-)) Go check out the slide show when you have the time, eh!!

Later, 'Viper'

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Annual Quilt Show 2008 & 4 of Kathys Quilts

Hi Everyone, ... Quilt Show 2008 ...

Since it was raining, our Annual Quilt Show in the Street was held inside the CD Hall this year. Kathy's two girls Lourie and Sherrie came up from Redding and went with us, so they got to visit a bit while checking out everything, as I was taking a lot of pictures. Kathy said she saw a lot of new Quilts this year, but we were told by Sue from Textile Traditions, that only about 50% of all the Quilts got shown because of the lack of room in the CD Hall. We did notice a lot of folded Quilts laying on folding tables all around the interior. We had a very good showing of people too, and I am very thankful for having a 'zoom' or 'telephoto' lens, as most of my shots were from a distance waiting for an opening to get my shots, eh!!

My camera was set to 'Auto' with the Flash up and ready to shoot and I noticed that all the coloring came out really great and natural, even if the flash did go off on every shot that I noticed. It kind of surprised some of the people, because I was standing so far away from then when I took most of my shots. To make it easier on me, I used my 'new' PhotoResizer to reduce all of the 'originals' down to 750 pixels wide and saved them with a 33% JPG compression, so they would load quickly and then made the slide show with JAlbum and the FotoPlayer scheme that I like. I also added a few comments too, but so far only Barbara Maness has mentioned that she evens reads or looks at the comments, so I may stop taking that extra time to do so in the future. So go check out Quilt Show 2008 and I hope you enjoy viewing all of the Quilts, eh!!

This year my Quilt Show 2008 is dedicated to my other 'sis' Karen and her hubby Charles, who couldn't come up to see this year's showing, because of Charles having knee surgery. Who BOTH are Quilters too!! So good luck and we're praying for you, guy. Maybe next year, eh!! '-))

Later, 'Viper'