Spring Pictures & Misc Videos/Slideshows
Hi Everyone, ... see all here, eh!! ...
I got way behind in my Blog Updates, so there are quite a few items today. My 'ALBUM' has a lot of variety, the 'Home Alone' is about a Dobbie that likes to play in the swimming pool, by sliding down the slide over and over, eh!! 'Iguazu Falls' is a must see of rivers, waterfalls and really GREAT scenery shots. The 'New Sony Camera' is a short quickie. 'Simon Sez' is about a dog that does the Simon Sez game better than kids, eh!! 'Paradox' is one of those thinkers about how our times have changed in our lifetime. NOTE To Anyone that may be offended by seeing a nursing woman or viewing a women's breast & nipple, then please do NOT watch 'Starbuck Employee', even tho I think it's really FUNNY, eh!! So check it out when you can and I hope you enjoy ALL!!
Later, 'Viper'