Viper Country

Here you will be able to view the four seasons in and around the Weaverville area of Trinity County, California. Plus some of various shots of anything and everything, as I'm a camera 'nut', eh!! ;-))

My Photo
Location: Weaverville, California, United States

Since my 'forced' retirement on June 23rd, 2005, I'm trying to build an 'at home' business via the Internet and learning more about using my digital camera, eh!! The picture is of ME & Kathy, my wife who's one bad ass Quilter!! We will be adding some of her handiwork too. I'd love to hear from computer & graphics people so I can learn more and we'd both love to hear from Quilters too!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Flowers, Snowing Again, Custom Cars & Bikes

Hi Everyone, ... see my NEW stuff here ...

I just UPDATED my Blog with lots of variety and I'm also starting something 'NEW' too, so don't feel bad about sending my your Positive OR Negative Comments, eh!! All feedback is Welcomed!! This past month I've gotten a lot of email that I would just normally forward on to all of my ebuddies, because it's very easy to do so. But I know that most of you are using a 56k modem as your connection the emails that I've been getting with graphics are growing by both size and amount, eh!! So I've been trying to make them into JAlbum Slide Shows, adding them to my Blog Updates and then each person can decide to 'open' and view them or not!! Since JAlbum uses JavaScript, it loads & opens a lot quicker that if you were opening the same thing as an email, eh!!

Also, I've decided to save me a lot of time too, I'm ONLY going to be uploading my pictures via JAlbum and NOT uploading all of my 'singles' too. If anyone wants to view the 'singles', all you need to do is click on 'download' at the bottom/left of each slide show picture, to bring it up in a new browser window and then depending on your monitor size and how you have your browser set to deal with graphics, you may be able to click on that picture to enlarge it even more for viewing and/or printing. So it's kind of redundant to upload my pictures twice, eh!! Plus it's quicker to view full size pictures within the slide show, than by individual file names!!

Also, by using JAlbum, I can write something about some of the shots or groups of shots too. So be sure to read this latest 'ALBUM_20080420' to see what I'm talking about, eh!!

And I've started a 'videos' folder and I'll start using that for all of the various 'avi', 'wmv' & 'pps' type videos/slide shows, to keep them all together in one folder, eh!! Again, I'll try to name everything to give you a basic idea of what each video is about, plus I'll try to tell you in my 'Blog UPDATE' email more if I think it's a must watch or if I think it's a really good one, eh!! '-))

Video Links:







Ok, I hope that I haven't forgotten something and hope you enjoy!!

Later, 'Viper'

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bikes, Clouds, Snowy Mts, Blue Sky, Mt Scenes, Flowering Spring Things

Hi Everyone, ... see all links here ...

I've got a lot of variety in this update so be sure to look around, eh!! Various people have sent me pictures in an email and to save you receiving them as a forward as my ebuddy, I made them into slide shows that you can view right from my Blog, eh!! So check out my own 'ALBUM_20080413', 'ALBUM_20080413_Misc', plus 'Friends_20080412', 'Fruit_Veggie_Graphics_20080409', Pet-Lovers_20080409' and 'Sharing_20080409', eh!!

I also try to add some notes to the various pictures within each album, so you will know a bit about the people, places or things that I've taken shots of too. This is besides me trying to label each shot so that you'll kind of know what it's about too. Thus not leaving you in total darkness, eh!!

Also, IF I haven't told you all before ... I try to include ALL of my pictures into each 'slide show' and if you want to see the larger original or download any one of them, all you need to do is CLICK on the 'download' link on the bottom left to open each picture in a new browser window for viewing or saving. That way you don't really need to look at each individual picture as a separate graphic file, eh!! I mostly upload them as a way to save them on my web site, as in another 'back up' to my computer files and/or my CD/DVD files. Hope you enjoy one, some OR ALL, eh!!

Later, 'Viper'