Quilts, Cats, Bikes, Mustangs, Scenery & Photography of Monica Dahl

Hi Everyone, .... see all pictures here, eh!! ....
I have another mixed bag of goodies for you this time. My sister 'Jo' complained about me taking more shots of Ricky than Lucy, so Jo this update is a must see for you, eh!! ;-)) After shopping last Saturday the 25th, we went to our fabric store, Textile Traditions to pick up Kathy's 'Block of the Month', grab a few shots of some new quilts hanging in the store and get her a 'fat quarter' of new colorful material they just got in. They also have a lot of very colorful material of Australia coming in too and we both like bright colors too. But as we were leaving the parking lot to the store there were 2 really nice looking Mustangs on the street that I just had to get some shots of, right. As I started to shot the cars I noticed a Victory motorcycle across and up the street so I got a couple shots of it, one by walking up the street and just a bit pass the bike. Then I noticed a Candy Red Harley further up and got a couple shots of it by zooming in on it, eh!! So all of you car and bike nuts, I hope you enjoy the extra effort I put out to add these shots too!! ;-)) I've also included my gas receipt too, because the prices dropped so dramatically that I couldn't believe it. And depending on what you pay for local gas, when was the last time in memory that the prices dropped 24 cents from one Saturday to the next???
Now when you get to 'Monica Dahl' and her shots, I've been looking little by little thru her web site on 'YouTube'?? and she has some very interesting and unusual pictures taken by herself with various types of cameras, including one that has 4 lens that shows 4 variations of the shot in one picture. I just picked out a few of what caught my own eye and I hope you enjoy her stuff too.
The 'Not A Cloud In The Sky Pano' was shot at Marinos just before we went inside for breakfast and you can see what a great view we have from their place. The articles from TTJ or The Trinity Journal may be of interest to some and not others, but as for the Saw Mill Saloon, they are already cleaning up for rebuilding and Nancy says she's going to keep her place open!! That's very good news to a lot of our locals!! ;-))
Till next time ... 'Viper'
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