Slide Shows/Videos/Movies & Pictures too

Hi Everyone, ... check ALL here ...
I'm trying some 'new' stuff on you all today. I've been testing & tweaking my slide show software, JAlbum, and have finally figured out how to not only change a lot of the settings, but to actually 'SAVE' them too!! All of the 9 slide shows only took 2 to 3 seconds to make each slide show, eh!! Mostly due to NOT having to re-set everything from one slide show to the next. And a lot of people have been sending me groups of pictures, so instead of just adding a link to them individually, I made them into mini-slide shows, ok!! ;-)) The trick is to find them with my new settings. ANY file name that does NOT end in '.jpg' or '.JPG', or an 'extension', is a slide show. Just click on the file name and it will/should open in your browser and start playing automatically, eh!! If you have any problems, please let me know the file name and what your problem was, ok.
When you see 'Shaw', that is my Uncle John Shaw that lives across the road from me. When you see 'Girls', those are my 'adopted' grand kids!! ;-)) Their real grand parents are my friends Barbara & Stacy Maness, eh!! 'Jo' is my sister and sent me those great pics of cars+, because she knows I love all kind of cars, trucks, bikes, stock or custom, right!! And the 'TTJ' files are out of our local newspaper, The Trinity Journal, and I picked out what I thought would be of interest to various of my ebuddies, eh!! ;-)) Again, do an 'all in one' Blog is making it so much easier on me than sending out 4-5 different emails and links. So anyone can take a peek at what ever peeks your curiosity, eh!! Enjoy!!! ;-)))
Later, 'Viper'
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