It's been a long time coming, but I think I'll try "Updating" my Blog, eh!! I just turned 82, February 10th, and haven't been doing any Web Page Designing for years, as I could NOT find anyone interested. Plus have had a lot of happenings over the years, so just kind of gave up on Web Designing and such!!
I LOVE Old Cars, so Ill be sharing some as I go along with Updating My Blog!!

I've been doing pretty good health-wise as I keep Praying to God to keep me in Good Health, so that I can take care of my wife, Kathy, who isn't in Good Health!! Kind of Selfish I know, but so far it's been working for years!! ;-)
I gave up driving a few years ago, but luckily my son, Randy and his wife Stacey moved back here to Weaverville about 4 years ago, after living in NH for like 30 years. So he goes gets our Groceries, take our Trash to the local Dump, picks up our Meds as needed from our local CVS, and so much more. Like he's been 'Falling' Trees on our 20 acres so we'll both have Firewood over Winter Time!!
Since I have 2 Mobile Homes, one that Kathy and I live in and one that my Dad/Mom lived in till passing years ago, Randy & Stacey live in that one, and that's very convenient having them right next door, so to speak!!
I use to have a 1931 5-Window Coupe many, many year ago and it was a badly painted Black, but I drove it about 3.5 miles from my home to work and back every day and never had a problem!! The only 'update' it had was a 12-volt battery and generator!! I kept thinking I'd fix it up to look like the photo, but ending up selling it for $50!! Today I wish that I had kept each car that I've owned, but then again that wouldn't work, as I sold or traded them to 'upgrade' to a newer one, right!!
Like a 1955 Red/White Ford Crown Victoria, later on a 1956 Black Ford Thunder Bird, then a Brand Spanking NEW 1960 Red 2-Door Ford Starliner Coupe!! Many years later, I purchased a 1972 Red/Silver Ford Ranchero, which I gave to my son Randy and after not seeing it or him for 30+ years, he has moved back home and still has 'our Ranch' as we call it today!! It still runs but needs a lot of work and a new paint job, before putting it back on the road, eh!!
Ahh, what such great memories!! When I Win the Lottery, I plan on buying 1 each of my old cars. eh!! ;-)
To be continued . . .