Doe & Fawn, Custom Bikes, Misc Graphics, Tattoo-Winged Girl

Hi Everyone, .... see all shots here ....
I've got another batch of miscellaneous stuff again. I left in 6, including the wings tatoo graphics that we're in my emails. The shots of the Doe and Fawn that dropped by for a visit, were taken out of my office window. I'm positive that in the past 31 years of living here, that momma brings by her new babies year after year and then those babies pick up the tradition and bring their new babies by and it just continues thru the next generation, right!! At least that's what Kathy and I like to believe anyway!! ;-)) The 'BKBikes' shots were taken at our local Burger King, while I was there getting some foods for us to take home. I'm a biker to those that don't know it, and my love of 'springer' front ends is known far & wide, and yet I've never own a bike with a springer front end in my 47 years of riding bikes, eh!! ;-0 The 'Intruder' that was parked by the Harley was a nice clean bike too, with a candy 'firemist' type paint job, but no match for that bitchin' paint job on the HD, eh!! ;-)) Then on shopping day as we were leaving the Tops parking lot facing our local consignment store, here was a guy cleaning/shining a custom 'Big Dog' Custom Bike and of course I had to stop and get a off a few shots, right!! While shooting and talking, I found out that Bob had helped install the carpet in our house and the rental house, eh!! The bike has won in 3 bike shows and if beautiful!! I really like that front wheel too. I can see it on my own Honda Spirit, eh!! But Bob wouldn't let me have if like for FREE!!!! ;-0
The 'Eagle' shots were taken at our local State Farm Agent, who btw insures most all of our property, minus my bike, because Progressive Ins Co price was about 50% cheaper at the time I purchased the bike for the same or better coverage. Just a hint to any bikers seeing this, eh!! I just happen to love Eagles anything, but this really caught my eye. I've got to find out if it was done by a local chainsaw artist that has his works all around town. I hope you enjoy this type of art as much as I do. Enjoy, eh!! ;-)) The 'TexileTraditions' shots were taken at a local Quilt Shop. We had stopped by to pick up some tread, material and fat quarters. They change the wall hangings about every month, so I got some more pretty quilt patten shots, right!! All of the 'image' shots I pulled out of slide show or power point presentation that one of my ebuddies sent me and instead of just forwarding them to all of my other ebuddies, I just added them to my Blog for everyone/anyone to see too. The 'Album' slide show that is included as normal includes ALL of the pictures this time, if you just want to view it alone, ok!! ;-))
Later, 'Viper'
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