Well HAIL ;-)) and Moon Shots!!

UPDATE!! This afternoon about 5:15 pm I looked out our front door to see if it was still snowing, hailing or what, eh!! What immediately caught my eye was a very bright almost full moon, shining thru our big 'Christmas Tree!!' So I quickly went back in to get my camera and tripod, set it up and starting manuvering to get my shots, right. Well, the best spot was right at my door, but with my right shoulder directly under the dripping water from melting snow coming off the roof!! So what's a little water when I got such great shots, eh!!
I took a lot of shots from wide angle to mid and full zoom. Then I took a few liberties in my editing to see what kind of different scenes that I could get, ok!! Also, a couple of the shots were full zoom of 3 very bright 'stars', besides the bright moon. Hope you enjoy them all!! Later, 'Viper'
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