Our 'Lost' Deer Came Home!!

In case you don't know, we normally see deer around our property all the time. So it's no biggie, and we do enjoy watching them and taking pictures too. Then today when I was in my office, I saw one deer walking up our driveway, grabbed my camera, and by the time I got outside on our deck, here came 'momma' and her 2 'kids', presumedly.
Momma, stoped just below our car and watched me taking pictures of her, then one of her kids started walking up our lower driveway and the other starting walking up to where momma was standing. All the while I'm whistling, trying to get them to look my way, so I can get some better shots, right.
Then out of the corner of my eye I see some movement and it's our 'BB' cat sneaking up on the deer, but just about the time BB got to the car, momma deer turned and just slowly hopped off back down the driveway, with the young'n that was with her. Our cat, startled by all this movement, turned and bolted away like someone touch her with a red hot poker, eh!! ;-0
Since the deer were mostly in the shade, I did try to brighten 'THEM' up a bit in case you notice. I've also noticed that since my 'original' picture size is 2816 x 2120 and when I edit them I usually resize them to 740 pixels wide, that when I do that the picture sometimes lightens up a bit automatically. Then I do not need to do much myself. Odd??
One other thing in case you don't already know this ... whenever you are viewing a picture that is to big to see 100%, most browser defaults to showing you 100% and when you 'click' on the picture it then shows 'FULL' size, right. Well, I just found out a few days ago that depening on where you click on the picture, like towards the top, middle or bottom, that is the portion that you will be able to view without scrolling. But it doesn't seem to work with 'side to side' viewing. Go figure, eh!!
Anyway, hope you enjoy looking at some of our local deer. Later, 'Viper'
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