It Finally Quit Raining!!

Well, after having almost 24/7 of rain and heavy fog for about a week now, we got up this morning to more dampness and fog, but NO rain, eh!! Then about 1:30 pm we went into town for a late lunch at BK and do our normal Saturday shopping. As we will be going to Redding, CA, about 47 miles away on Saturday to spend Christmas Eve with our 2 girls, Lourie and Sherri and their families, eh!!
By the time we finished our shopping at Top's Market and came outside, it was clear with blue skies and various colored clouds. We could even see a touch of new snow on Weaver Bally and further away towards Trinity Center on Granite Peak. So most of my shots today were of the same from 3 different areas in town. And just for my ebuddy Barb in Texas, the first 3 shots in the group are of the heavy moss that grows on our local trees. I got these as we came down our mountain road towards town, eh!!
Now if there are any of you out there in 'Blog Land' that love Dragons as much I as do, then you need to go and check out what my daughter, 'Kitten' and her husband Jack got me as part of my Christmas this year, eh!! They also gave beautiful sweaters, gloves, scarfs, caps for both Kathy and me, too!! Thanks so much!! We really love all the gifts, but I especially love my Dragon, eh!! ;-)) . . . Later, 'Viper'
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