Weaverville Bikers 2005 Toy Run ;-))

Well today was our local bikers Toy Run for Santa's kids, eh!! I had forgotten all about it being today, even after telling my friends Barb and Stacy in Texas that I'd try to get some shots. Because they had sent me a lot of shots of their own Toy Run last weekend. Anyway as Kathy and I were coming out of our local Tops Sentry Market, I heard a couple of the bikes fire up and it caught my attention of course. So I put the groceries away quickly, got out my camera and then drove closer to our side of the highway to get some shots. All the bikers had gathered at our local Round Table Pizza and were getting ready to head on down the road. So I turned on my camera just as they stayed saddeling up and moving out, so's to speak!! I tried some wide angle shots and some 50% zoom shots and even got about a minute of video too. The video was a touch shaky as I didn't have my tripod, but the sounds were sure nice, eh!! ;-)) If you want to see all of the pictures taken today, just go to my web page. Hope all you buddy bikers enjoy these shots, as I did a hell of a lot of 'cropping' to make most all of them seem closer, since I was so far away. Check you later, 'Viper'
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