International Space Station?? OR Venus!! ;-0

I'm still in town doing errands and when I pulled into ACE Hardware to pick up a bag of granuale salt for your frozen deck, there was a good view of the west, my cresent moon and what is supposedly the ISS. So of course I had to get a couple shots right then, because I know that sometimes all it takes is a few seconds to lose that one 'great' shot, eh!! Which I did try to get more shots after I got back home about 30 minutes later, so I could use my tripod to maybe get even better shots, right. No luck!! Both had dropped to low in the horizen and where already gone. You'll see that I've cropped out the 'full size' shot and embedded then in the smaller pictures for the web, so you can get a really close up view, eh!! ~ UPDATE!! On 12/7/05 ~ I received the following answer from NASA in response to my email: "However, based on the picture you sent, you took a picture of the planet Venus. The stationary position of Venus would appear exactly the way your picture looks. If it were an Earth orbiting satellite, your image would only contain a streak of where the satellite position was. Remember, the space station and other Earth orbiting satellites are only visible for a few minutes from horizon to horizon." So, I'm presumming that what I saw was Venus, eh!! Hey, what do I know. I just saw something really bright close to the moon and said, 'What a shot!!' ... Enjoy, 'Viper'
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