High Winds and 6" to 12" of Snow ... NOT!! ;-))

The forecast for Friday evening of the 3rd & Saturday the 4th, was for winds up to 50 mph with a 'fast moving' storm that could leave 6 to 12 inches of snow, right. So Friday morning Kathy suggested that we NOT wait to do our normal Saturday breakfast and shopping just in case, eh!! So about 1:30 pm we headed into town to try out a 'new' BBQ place for lunch, then do our shopping and get the jump on any storm coming our way.
We did get some lite rain and a lot of really nasty looking storm clouds. So I took some pictures at the Tops/Longs parking lot as we started shopping, hoping that the cloud cover would rise even more to show off all the new snow on the mountain tops. But when we finished shopping and we heading out to another spot where I take some of my pictures, the cloud cover was even lower. As you will see I did get a lot of good shots of the dark clouds and a little bit of the lower elevations of snow, eh!!
Then we got up this morning to SUNSHINE!! We did get a few flurries of random snow and some light winds, but sunshine all day long and NO BIG STORM!! Isn't Mother Nature a kick!! ;-)) So of course I had to get some shots of our beautiful sunshine, right.
As for the 2 'panorama' shots of our local Tops Mini-Mart, these are for my ebuddy 'Val' Goodrich. I hope this is what you wanted, eh!! For everyone ... we try to keep our car's gas tank above 50% so we don't have to pay out so much money with the high fuel prices nowdays, but let it get down to about 75% this time, so it took almost 12 gallons at $2.679 for Regular!!
Hope you enjoy all of my pictures, eh!! . . . . Later, 'Viper'
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