Illegal Parking?? and a VW 'Lady Bug ;-))

Well folks get ready for some 'unusual' shots?? The first 8 pictures are of the Moon and Stars taken from my deck on Friday the 10th, which just happened to be my 66th birthday, eh!! Kathy says that now I'm now legally an 'Old Fart' for real!! ;-0 Then #6922 is showing you the very last of our snow, #6945 & #6946 were taken at the end of our house to show you our view of the snow capped mountains past the trees. A really nice view of our snow 'over there', eh!! ;-))
If you'll notice, I have 3 pictures called 'Illegal Parking, plus have all three set into one picture at the very last, so you can view all 3 shots a bit easier. This is what we saw this morning about 9:20 am this morning as we turned off Oregon Street to go to our local Post Office to pick up our mail. I'm just guessing because I didn't walk across the street to check, that this car did not go on down into the creek, because of all the trees/saplings on the side, eh!! Poor person that had to get out of the car at that angle, right!!
If you don't want to look at each individual picture, just check out the 'pano' shots. As to the odd looking star pictures, if you'll check out #6919 you will see what the other shots started out as too. By playing with my graphics software I was able to come up with all the other views that you see. Odd, different or unusual ... your choice!!
I just hope you enjoy them all. Later, 'Viper'
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