HOT NEW CAR = THE 789!! Snow Damage To My Rental Home, TEST Shots

Hi Everyone, .... see all pics here ....
In this UPDATE you'll see a lot shots of my Dad house that is now our rental and you'll see how the wet/heavy snowfall collapsed the 40' Front Porch Roof!! Also, there are interiors shots of water seepage/damage too, but I was really worried about much worse damage than what we got. But, I've also been praying that God keep his hands over it too, because this continuous snow storm was one of the worse we've had since moving up here to the mountains of Weaverville in 1976!! But at the same time all the deep snow all around our property was very beautiful and I got a lot of very interesting shots, eh!!
Since I'm an old 'hot rodder' from the 50's and love all types of cars/bikes, I just went nuts when my ebuddy Evelyn Malroy since me pictures of the '789' Custom Made Auto!! So I know all of my hot rod friends will love seeing the imagination of building a car that features the best of 3 old Chevies, the 1957, 1958 & 1959, eh!! What a vision. I'd love to own one of these babies!! ;-)) Go and enjoy all my pictures I'm hoping, including my 'TEST' shots playing around with my camera and editing, ok!!
Later, 'Viper'
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