360 Degree Pano of all our Snow, Mini-Choppers, Lucy our Cat, Moon Shots

Hi Everyone, .... see all pics here ....
First off, the '360_Pano.AVI is a BIG file and a very long download unless you have a hi-speed connection!! But I took a full 360ยบ video while standing on our deck facing almost North and swinging to my left showing all the snow that we still have all around us, in our multiple driveways, on the rental house, the garages area, our yard, wood shed, our deck and up to our snow laden roof and back around to where I started. I should have used my tri-pod, but it was a spur of the moment type of thing and I think it came out fairly good for doing a 'hand held' moving in a circle thing, eh!! ;-)) Also, I was able to get the truck full of trash to the dump after clearing away the snow from behind it, but I couldn't get back into where I normally park it, because of all the snow still on the ground. The rest is a variety of things, so just go and check them out!!
Later, 'Viper'
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