Fresh Snow, Misc Pictures, Airplane, Bike, Cats, etc . . .

Hi Everyone, .... see all of my pictures here ....
To those of you that don't know it, we've been having a lot of below freezing temps the past couple of weeks and then we got some relief when the rains started. When the heavy cloud cover rises we get glimpses of fresh snow up on the higher peaks around us. Then when I see an opening in the clouds and stop the car, grab my camera and get out to take a shot, the clouds have covered most of the shot, eh!! But today while in town I did get some good enough shots so you all can see that the snow level is getting down almost to our level. So I'm thinking a couple more good rain storms will have snow falling all around our place, eh!! ;-(( That means that I'll have to start shoveling snow again. Bah Humbug!!
I have a lot of variety of pictures again this time as you'll see. All are of interest to me and some will be of interest to different people. Like Stacy like planes so you may like the Airplane for sale or trade and is a 'biker' so might like the Bike too, eh!! ;-)) The Butterfly is for my sister, Jo!! Most of my ebuddies love Cats as Kathy and I do, so will like the cats pictures. As for the MyBacon_NOT picture, you'll just have to read about it in my slide show so I don't have to repeat myself. All in all, I just hope you all enjoy some or all of my Blog Pictures, eh!!
Later, 'Viper'
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