Hi Everyone,
I took more Fall Color pictures today because after having 2+ days of rain and the colder weather the colors are really popping, eh!! For those of you that know the Weaverville area the first picture was taken as we left the Tops Shopping Area and were headed home up Oregon Street, right. I took a couple showing Main Street/Hwy #299, then we turned left on Oregon Street for the 3 mile drive to our place. All of the shots were taken from within my car and of course most every shot showed the car dash. So I cropped the shots to remove that and some times the width too because I wanted to show more of the pretty Fall Colors. Then the last 2 shots were taken about 3 hours later while I was in my office checking me email and editing all of the other pictures. Hope you enjoy all the colors we're getting, just in case you live in an area that doesn't have to much in the way of Fall colors, eh!! Later, 'Viper'
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