Cars, Bikes, Clouds, Thunderheads, Deer, Rattlers, Lizzards, Flowers, Mt Scenery and more

Hi Everyone,
I'm using a 'new' style of slide show which has 6 individual slide shows within the Primary Slide Show. So be sure to check out the menu in the heading, because you will be able to view/change slide shows by using 'Album', change the 'View' if you don't like the default of my 'Carousel' and change the background coloring under 'Theme'. Remember that you can view larger pictures by using the 'icon' on the upper right side of the slide show OR hitting the F11 key OR if you change the 'View' to 'Framed Slide Show'. Hope you can find the time to go check out all of my pictures and hope you enjoy them too, eh!! '-))
If you do view this slide show, I would appreciate your feedback with any thoughts you might have on my using this style of multiple slide show in the future, whether pro or con!! Honest!! '-)) Just send me an email to:
Later, 'Viper'
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